Dearest Champions of The Nest…
I am so proud to share the most incredible news in our history…I know you will be so proud!!
I have been bursting at the seams with excitement and gratitude to share the most trajectory-changing news in the life of The Nest Academy. I never imagined this fantastic opportunity for The Nest in a million years, but dreams have come true- for our students and me, too.
When I birthed the vision of The Nest, it was to help five little refugee girls find hope, empower them with education, and embrace them with unconditional love. The Nest Academy has been able to deliver those initial commitments to deserving children every year, and we are so grateful to see how our steadfastness has created a ripple effect in our city and how we stand in a position to make an even greater impact through an unexpected blessing and new partnership.
As we embark on our sixteenth year of offering the gift of The Nest to Charlotte’s most vulnerable children, we can give, do, and be more than we ever have before. This fall, we will open our hearts and doors in a new location in a new nest to call home, and we have gained momentum by linking arms with friends and hosts of the campus of the Nest’s forever home, Albemarle Road Presbyterian Church. This partnership opens up new possibilities and we can’t wait to see the impact we will make together.
Our new Nest at ARPC is over thirteen thousand square feet, waiting to meet every need (and more) we have, and it is beautiful! We have worked all summer to renovate the building that will elevate the academy’s mission within its walls. This is ALL more than we ever imagined, and not only an answer to our prayers but also to those of ARPC, who are not only gracious hosts of our new home, proud champions of The Nest, but also strong allies in outreach and an immense source of hope in East Charlotte.
Only a driveway away from The Simmons YMCA and hidden in plain sight were our neighbors, ARPC, praying about how they and their beautiful campus could be used to reach the hearts and lives of children and families from around the world and with whom to partner to deepen their impact. By linking arms with ARPC in partnership, The Nest’s outreach and mission in E. Charlotte will gain even more momentum and, as a result, impact.
ARPC’s generosity and partnership allow us to add seven new students, a Chef to prepare healthy breakfasts and lunches in our commercial kitchen and teach culinary classes, a Director of Academic Programming, a beautiful gym, more than seven classrooms, staff offices, tutoring spaces, a partnership on campus for the youngest siblings of our students to attend weekday school, countless outreach opportunities and new partnerships, and the chance to add valuable programming and services to meet the needs of our community more effectively.
The Nest Academy staff and our faithful and hardworking friends at ARPC have worked tirelessly ALL SUMMER to ensure the new Nest is ready for school to begin. I cannot wait to show you how your ongoing support has made our dreams a reality.
For those of you who have faithfully given to The Nest with your time, talents, and treasures, prayed for and believed in our mission, served and loved on our students… This is the result of your commitment and YOUR story, too!!
The building needed a new roof, and quickly. Thanks to our faithful corporate partner and long-time faithful friends at Davco and their generous support, the brand-new roof was installed this week!

THERE IS FAR TOO MUCH TO SHARE and we cannot wait to show you around personally. Each year, we count on you to foster change and growth in our students, and I would like to invite you to get a sneak peek of the new Nest and participate in some events that we will be hosting to connect you and others before the school year begins.

Our community partners, Elevation Church have scheduled events to bless The Nest Academy again this year for us host ‘Love Week’ events on our campus, and WE NEED YOU at as many of these events you can schedule to attend.
We will host a Coffee & Conversations/ Prayer Walk on 7/30, a Paint and Cider on 8/3, and a Moving Day on 8/1 on our new campus, and we would love to have you!
Click the links to view more information; if you are already subscribed to our volunteer emails, be on the lookout for more information in the coming weeks on how to help! DETAILS FOR ALL EVENTS WILL BE COMING IN AN EMAIL THIS WEEK FROM DR. LEON WILLIAMS, OUR OPERATIONS DIRECTOR.
At the Nest, there are many opportunities to volunteer. As you know, volunteers are the heartbeat of the Academy. Whether you are looking to invest time one-on-one, provide classroom support, reading, math, or ESL instruction, want to provide lunch for our students, are looking for an internship, or want to add value to the life of a child with your experience, professional advice or your talent or ability…WE NEED YOU THIS YEAR MORE THAN EVER!
We would love for you to fill out this form if you plan on volunteering at The Nest Academy this fall. We are thrilled to welcome you for the first time or welcome you back and want to send you important information about events and the 2024-2025 school year! BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR INFO AND DATE FOR OUR VOLUNTEER SOCIAL AND OPEN HOUSE FOR OUR STUDENTS. TO VOLUNTEER AND SIGN UP CLICK HERE!

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