Liddy is one of our new volunteers this semester! She is from Huntsville, Alabama. Liddy attends Davidson College and is studying philosophy while on the pre-med track. Liddy loves the role she has as a tutor. She loves the privilege of developing relationships with the kids and being able to encourage them in their studies. “It’s been great to return to tutoring while also familiarizing myself with The Nest; it’s a special place with a special mission,” she quotes. Her favorite part of being a volunteer has been getting to know a different student every visit. “They’ve all been so smart and kind hearted! I’m excited to continue strengthening these relationships!”
A fun fact about Liddy is a special talent we are waiting for her to share – juggling! She also loves her three weenie dogs! We are so glad to have Liddy with us volunteering this semester and look forward to her showing off her unique talent to the kids while also encouraging them in their education!

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